How to navigate to nested tab using react-native-router-flux?

Problem 😱

You would like to navigate to nested tab using react-native-router-flux?

Solution 🤓

Lets for example use that Routes:

<Scene key="intro" component={Intro} initial={true} hideNavBar={true} title="PythonicNinja"/>
<Scene key="tabbar" tabs={true} hideNavBar={false} tabBarStyle={styles.navigationTabBar} hideBackImage={true}>
  <Scene key="Home" component={Home} {...defaultTabProps} initial={true}/>
  <Scene key="Shows" component={Shows} {...defaultTabProps}/>
  <Scene key="Channels" component={Channels} {...defaultTabProps}/>
  <Scene key="My Account" component={MyAccount} {...defaultTabProps}/>

Usage 📱

finishAccount = () => {
    Actions.tabbar({type: 'reset'});
    Actions['My Account']();

It will navigate to My Account component within tabbar.